What is Monoarthritis: Things you should know

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What is Monoarthritis?

Monoarthritis is the one type of arthritis diseases condition ( Bones & Joints Weakening ) that give rise to the inflammation of one joint rather than multiple joints. Some of the symptoms of this type of arthritis are joint pain and swelling.

Last year’s In-depth study found that monoarthritis may appear in the individual due to severe infections including Lyme condition, trauma and joint weakling arthritis.

This condition may appear very slowly as people getting older and older.

Joints that will be affected are following 

  • knee
  • ankle
  • Wrist
  • Hips


The symptoms that may appear in person are the following:

  • Joint Pain
  • Swelling in Joints
  • Colour changing shaping redness

Causes of Monoarthritis

Some of the severe causes are the following;



Acute arthritis 

Affecting one joint can lead to conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other severe type of arthritis.


The diagnosis of monoarthritis patient is a Physical examination, Lab Test urinalysis, blood testing, Xrays, CT Scans and MRI