Ultra-processed food may cause heart attack, New research finds


The consumption of Ultra-processed foods has increased the risk of high blood pressure, strokes and heart attack, According to new research.

In the Modern Era, The Usage of Ultra Processed Foods ( UPF ) is heavily increased, Consumers are addicted to using ultra-processed products such as protein bars, soft drinks, cereals, and frozen and ready meals, Most significantly the consumption of Fast foods has created the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

In the Modern Consumer Culture, especially the In UK and US Youth in their mid-20s and 30s, these ultra-process foods are mostly consumed by them because they lack the knowledge of how dangerous is it for their health. 

The first research study was conducted to track approximately thousands of women between the ages of 18 and 34. These women consumed larger portions of salty foods, which may trigger high blood pressure-related risks developed at a younger age.

Usage of High salty foods, burgers, and soft drinks can create hypertension, heart-related disorders, strokes, and kidney diseases. 

The Second research study was conducted on hundreds of thousands of people to learn about their ultra-processed foods consumption cycle and what medical effects are following heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases.

These research studies were revealed in the annual meeting of the European Medical Society of Cardiology in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Research studies were presented before thousands of Medical researchers, doctors, and scientists. Health experts suggested a call for prompt action to stop the consumption of ultra-processed foods.

Health Experts suggested that consumer consumption cannot be changed within one day but the usage of fresh vegetables and natural healthy foods would be a healthy choice can avoid the risk of cardiovascular disorders.

Published in DailyWestNorth.Com on August 28, 2023