Colorado supreme court ordered disqualification of Donald Trump from 2024 ballot


Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday disqualified Donald Trump from contesting and holding office again over a US Constitution violation.

Top Judges of the Colorado Supreme court decided that Trump should be removed from the state presidential Initial ballot Because he was involved in a Provocative revolt on the 6 January Capitol Attack. 

The Judges made it clear that Trump is disqualified, such an unreasonable person should not run for the presidential office again to lead the country.

In majority of the court said that Trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment which mentioned insurrectionists against the state.

This decision clearly benefits the Democratic candidate Joe Biden who can gain an advantage in Colorado State.

This court decision is marked as a victory for advocacy groups and anti-Trump Americans who have placed several similar legal challenges to the former president’s candidacy under section 3 of the 14th amendment, which was enacted after the American Civil War to keep former Confederates from returning to power.

Other Republican Party members decried the disqualification move against Trump and said that what an actual attack on democracy looks like: in an un-American, unconstitutional, and *unprecedented* decision.Â