FY23: ADB says Pakistan’s economy performs lower due to tight monetary policies.


Pakistan Economic growth in the current fiscal FY2023 remained slashed as expected by the financial experts, “ ADB Asian Development Bank says”.

As Pakistan is facing macroeconomic challenges, tight monetary policies, and fiscal policies are imposed to stabilise the economic situation and inflations.

Moreover on Pakistani Economy’s domestic and external situation on an economic basis will improve in FY24 fiscal year.

The government of Pakistan is following IMF Suggestions to increase taxation, and structural adjustment to regulate the economy.

ADB ( Asian Devolpment Bank ) Report mentioned that , the inflation in Pakistan was higher than projected in the report.

For Global South countries merely South Asia,economic growth forecasts are at 5.5% in 2023 and 6.1% in 2024.

Inflation will slightly ease in the next FY24 fiscal year as developing Asia coming back with massive industrial output.